International IP Conference

17 October 2019, Warsaw




Paweł Podrecki, Director of the Centre for Legal Studies on New Technologies, Polish Academy of Sciences

Piotr Czaplicki, Director of the Patent Examination Department, Polish Patent Office

Żaneta Pacud, Rafał Sikorski, Society of Intellectual Property and Competition Law

9.15 – 10.30

Panel 1. – Introduction into trade secret protection

chair: Żaneta Pacud, Institute of Law Studies PAS

Christoph Ann, Technical University of Munich, Trade secrets protection – why protect, how and by whom? Introduction into trade secrets law

Sharon Sandeen, Mitchell Hamline School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, Mapping Trade Secret Scholarship: The Past, Present, and Future

10.30 – 11.00 coffee break

11.00 – 12.00

Panel 2. – Enforcement of trade secrets

chair: Rafał Sikorski, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Tanya Aplin, Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London, The limits of EU trade secret protection

Martin Husovec, University of Tilburg, (Un)Fair Remedies in Trade Secrecy Law

12.00 – 12.20 short coffee break

12.20 – 13.50

Panel 3. – Trade secrets protection and employee mobility

chair: Lavinia Brancusi, Institute of Law Studies, PAS

Magdalena Kolasa, Munich, Cocktails on the rocks. The challenges of enforcing trade secrets against departed employees from a comparative perspective

Konrad Mazur, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, When he had left work, problems began – a brief review of the Polish case law on disputes between the employer and employee

Arpan Banerjee, UNSW, Sydney; Jindal Law School, India, Business Offshoring and the Protection of Trade Secrets and Confidential Information in India

13.50 – 14.50 lunch

14.50 – 15.50

Panel 4. – Trade secrets in the data economy

chair: Łukasz Żelechowski, University of Warsaw

Wojciech Biernacki, Poznań, Applicability of the EU trade secret protection to sensor data

Laura Zoboli, Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, Warsaw, Algorithms: balancing trade secrecy and transparency

15.50– 16.10 short coffee break

16.10 – 17.40

Panel 5. – Trade secrets in regulatory and judicial procedures

chair: Anna Tischner, Jagiellonian University

Peter Slowinski, Max-Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, Trade Secrets in Judicial and Mediation Procedures – The tension between openness and secrecy

Juan Antonio Vives Vallés, University of Balearic Islands, Palma, Trade Secrets and Protected Variety Rights

Anna Popowicz – Pazdej, University of Wrocław, Protection of trade secrets as an exception to the general rule of transparency in Public procurement law from the perspective of both the European and national law


Conference closing

Institute of Law Studies Polish Academy of Sciences

Nowy Świat 72 (Staszic Palace)
00-330 Warszawa