The Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences – ILS PAS (Instytut Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk – INP PAN) is one of the most prominent scientific research institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences within the area of social sciences. The Institute has been also one of the leading scientific centers in the field of legal studies for over 60 years (it was established in 1956).
The role of the INP PAN is to initiate, promote, conduct and coordinate the research concerning theoretical and practical aspects of law in the context of dynamic changes of the contemporary world. The Institute also offers 3rd degree education. The doctoral studies at the INP PAN integrate the PhD candidates with the researchers of the highest knowledge and skills.
The leading themes of the research of the INP PAN are for example shaping and application of law in the light of contemporary axiological problems (in years 2011-2015) and changes of law in Poland, Europe and World in the context of contemporary challenges (in years 2016-2020). In this framework the research is focused on such issues as: the consequences of globalisation, constitutionalisation and fragmentation for the international public law, axiological and constitutional challenges for the unity of the European Union, europeanisation of the private law; international standards of protection for human rights; impact of European integration for the national constitutional law, administrative law and criminal law and procedure.
It can be concluded that the impact of international and european law (including the EU law) has been a considerable and inherent element of the research conducted in the INP PAN in all fields of its interest, namely private law, criminal law, administrative law, labour law, constitutional law, enviromental law. The international cooperation of INP PAN is the consequence of such an international approach to the research conducted.
The research of the scientific staff of the INP PAN is often conducted within the framework of international cooperation with foreign counterparts. This cooperation varies in character. As to the formal cooperation, the INP PAN is a member of three international multi-partner project consortia and has signed ten bilateral agreements. The INP PAN collaborates mostly with partners from EU Member States such as Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Netherlands, France, Slovenia, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Romania, Croatia. We have established a cooperation with an institution from Taiwan.
As to the non-institutionalised cooperation, the INP PAN has a considerable informal cooperation based on employees’ personal contacts and previous experiences in field of joint research and mobility. This type of cooperation is very strong and well-developed. In addition to the previously mentioned countries we cooperate with researchers from Finland, Greece, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States, Israel and Australia.