M.A. Artur Szmigielski
General information
- A research assistant in the Department of Competition Law (Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences);
- a graduate of law and European studies at the University of Warsaw,
- an employee of the public administration.
Research interests
Competition law, European economic law, law of new technologies.
Additional information
- Principal Investigator of the National Science Centre grant entitled “Abuse of a dominant position in digital markets – the case of free services offered by online platforms”, No. 2017/27/N/HS5/00059.
- 2016 – The Competition Law Association’s distinction for the best masters’ theses devoted to protection of competition.
- Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding achievements, academic year: 2014/2015.
- 2012 – Winner of the 10th edition of the European Law Competition, ELSA Słubice.
Current area of research
The subject of current research is an analysis of some hypothetical scenarios of non-price practices constituting an abuse of dominance that could take place in one of the EU’s digital markets, especially search engines, social media (social networks) or e-commerce platforms. Its aim is to indicate whether (and eventually to what extent) online platforms offering consumers high quality free services such as search engines, social networks or e-commerce platforms actually harm competition. The research will explore how existing competition tools and concepts can ensure that we reap the benefits offered by the innovation of the digital platform and free online services while mitigating the associated risks of restricting competition.
Selected publications